Not my favourite day of the year and being under heavy fire from some relentless unknown germs that happen to have been passed along to me didn't make the day much better...
Firstly, to all those people who dragged me into this germ onslaught, I would like to thank you.
Did you think when you bit the bullet and dragged yourself to work coughing and sniffing? Of course not, you were tougher than that!
Did you listen when everyone was so concerned and begged you to go home? Hell no! You knew that the company would come to a standstill without you, that work couldn't possibly carry on and that hundreds of angry customers would all phone in and cancel their subscription to the company...
Who the hell do you think you're kidding?? You walk in that building and everything you touch, breathe on or even look at becomes a veritably breeding ground for the plethora of microscopic meanies and all the healthy people around you try their best not to breathe or even glance in your direction to try and prevent being sucked into the same hell that you're currently experiencing. But do you care? Of course not, hell no... staying at home is boring if there's nothing to do and no one to talk to so it wont do any harm going to work..
News Flash: It does! It makes us all sick! Do us a favour and Stay At Home if you're sick! - Please!!
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