Ok, what I've started noticing is that people tend to focus more on negative things than they do on positive things.
Its easier to notice the beggar at the traffic lights than the guy who's trying to actually sell the Big Issue to make a living.. It's easier to complain about not having enough money after just finishing a Big Mac meal than to think about the guy rummaging through the garbage for a couple of slices of old bread..
This is actually one of many random offshoots that my mind is giving off after reading a book called the Mastery Club. Its a teenagers book with the lessons of life in it..
Its amazing, we teach children all about science and adding and where everything is, but we dont teach them how to live. Sure there's a subject called life orientation where you get to experience 'normal' life problems and how 'normal' people deal with them. But that in no way means that they're right.... Who says that anything we learn in school is important? Sure, I mean it would be a bit strange if no one knew how to read or write or add 2 plus 2, but all the fuzzy stuff that we get taught. Tell me ladies, which one of you went on to hand sew a garment for yourself after learning that in Home Economics (a misnomer if ever there was one)?
There is so much out there in this world that we dont understand and still need to find out about and all we teach children is what everyone already knows but nothing - nothing, about how to live. I think thats probably because we havent got it right ourselves yet......
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